Shui Mo: Chinese Painting Workshop (Intermediate)

Traditional Chinese

Traditional Chinese brush painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world, showcasing the harmony between man and nature. “Shui Mo” (water and ink) is a freestyle technique created using a brush dipped in ink and water and onto rice paper.

Practicing Shui Mo expresses one’s creativity and artistry, calms the mind, and gives a better appreciation for the beauty of art and nature.

This workshop is open to participants 15 years and older.

Prior experience in Western or Chinese painting is required.

Class Format  
Workshop students are given photocopies of the lesson for the week. The instructor demonstrates the lesson, describing the steps and the proper handling of tools and materials. Students then work on their own paintings, while the instructor checks on individual progress. Weekly assignments are given, to be submitted the following session.

Workshop Fee 
Workshop fee is P6,500, which does not yet include materials. Supplies can be purchased from the instructor on the first session.




For workshop details, contact:

Elma Abrina
Programs Officer
(632) 889-1234
[email protected] ?